Charles Goold Interview


Jazz bassist Jonah Jonathan interviews Jazz Drumer Charles Goold for The Jazz Musician’s Voice. Charles Goold, is one of New York City’s hardest working jazz drummers of his generation.With this precious knowledge and experience handed down from his elders and pursuance of formal education, Goold has been able to perform with of the best in the jazz industry and wide variety of acts from classic stalwarts like John Hendriks, The Cab Calloway Orchestra and Andy Bey to more contemporary acts like Wynton Marsalis and the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra, Johnny O’Neal, Steve Nelson.

Check out other videos of Charles Goold on this youtube channel and please check out the following links:

Charles K Goold

#CharlesGoold #Interview #Jazz #Jalc #WyntonMarsalis #JohnnyOneal #SteveNelson #JazzDrums #JonahJonathan

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